
Tuesday, December 16

Eating Disorders

Your obese and I'm too thin,
self-control is our biggest sin.

You see hunger,
I see greed,
And yet we both suffer
from the same maladies;
Self perception is our disease,
for what we see, is not reality;
it strips away our humanity
leaving the real possibility
of our families standing by
our gravesides - weeping.

Why? Because of our rage
set from the worlds cruel ways
of torture and pain
they laid, on us daily;
     the names,
     the lies,
     the beatings
we took:
     leaving us feeling worthless,
     less then a human being
     worthy of love
          - from none.

And with this rage,
it has decayed our visual way
of seeing who we are;
     our rage
     has turned to obsession
     of feast or famine,
     and either way,
     if we cant cease this pain
     we shall both fade
     into the grave.

So please, let us pray,
to cease internalizing our pain;
     the agony inside,
     and rather live our lives
     without turning to our demise
     with our obsessions.

For we will survive
once we realize
we are beautiful
     - they way we are -
no matter what are scars;
     for between you and me
     it is love that we need,
     to kill this obsessive disease
     that we face daily.

Eating Disorders by K. Saitta © 2014, A Walk In Verse

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