
Sunday, June 21

The House Around the Corner

Down the street, around the corner, sat a charming house decorated in white. She rose two stories toward the sky, surrounded by a whitewashed fence; the kind you saw when you visited grandma's house. And she would win your heart. It was love, at first sight.

But if you stopped and listened, she whispered, "Keep out, or die."

For she was alive. Behind those French laden doors lay the most demonic of creatures. She peered into the hearts of men from her bay windows. She enticed them with her beauty while veiling her eyes with the frail shutters she wore. And when crossing her threshold, she rained seduction upon their souls. There was no turning back.

Those that entered her womb, she aborted with fury. She turned men against women until murder flowed into their subconscious. And when they lay across her bosom, caressing her every curve, she became their only desire. Self-destruction became their world. They carelessly plunged into the abyss of her wretchedness; fallen, smitten by her dark brown planks of love. They filled her wooden veins with their last ounce of blood.

And as I turned the handle, I knew, but I walked into that house anyway.

The House Around the Corner by K. Saitta © 2015, A Walk In Verse

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