
Thursday, June 4

Sit and Stare

I sit and stare at the world within,
Looking through the glass of hate and sin;
A world set into a motionless state,
As lands plummet at accelerated rates.

Good or bad, what difference does it make?
Evil prevails in every single place;
As dark mystery is now the way,
Bringing back pagans to our modern day.

The future leads to a land of doom
Where leaders rule by an evil, full moon.
Hostility sets upon their weary breath
To remove anyone that doesn’t coexist.

The one they call their "Righteous, Holy Light"
Is nothing more than a monster filled with sight
Of hate, persecution, greed and strife;
The four corners leading to Armageddon's plight.

They'll force your life to a hellish fate
If you refuse to, regurgitate
The lies in which they weave,
From the house in which they never leave.

These monsters dwell in cowardly strife;
Waiting to silence anyone's life
That disclaim what they proclaim
Of their chosen one, of change.

So I sit and wait
In a furious feeble state
As they continue to try to re-instantiate
The days before the fatal blow of 1928.

Take heed and understand what is at stake
Of the horror setting forth upon the human race;
They’ll pillage, they'll rape and ferociously mutilate,
If submission is not what you agree to take.

May God have mercy on our torrid souls
To give us the strength as this evil unfolds,
To stand for righteousness and be bold
In these dark days resurrected from old.

Sit and Stare by K. Saitta © 2009, A Walk In Verse

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